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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Is it ever too late?
Is it too late to implement a New Year's resolution? I have meant to update this blog a number of times. So here goes. I wanted to share an email from a close friend.

Hi there....Friedman was on the Today Show today gave a good commentary on oil prices and the path to the future ('the sooner oil gets to $100, the sooner it will get to $20 --- because then people will be reeally motivated to decrease consumption"). It was also noted that the book has already been revised, and I think they said it added material about what we should be teaching our children to prepare them for the world of the future; also that we set the example of what people strive for (cars, toys, microwaves, etc.) and use 25% of the world's energy w only 5% of the we need to provide a better example (like conservation).